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Understanding Impetigo: Causes, Symptoms and Risk Factors

impetigo treatment brixton

Get Impetigo Treatment in Brixton Impetigo is a common and highly contagious skin infection that primarily affects children but can occur in people of any age. It’s characterised by red sores or blisters that burst and develop a honey-coloured crust. While it’s usually not serious, understanding its causes, symptoms, and risk factors is crucial for Understanding Impetigo: Causes, Symptoms and Risk Factors

Treat Hay Fever with Junction Pharmacy

hay fever treatment brixton

Get Hay Fever Treatment in Brixton We know the struggle – the vibrant colours of spring, the warm breeze, but for many, it comes with an unwelcome companion: hay fever. At Junction Pharmacy, we understand how this seasonal nuisance can put a damper on your day-to-day life. That’s why we’re here, not just as a Treat Hay Fever with Junction Pharmacy